PIA calls for swift legislative action from U.S. Congress in response to COVID-19
March 18, 2020 By PrintAction Staff
The Printing Industries of America (PIA) non-profit trade association has called upon U.S. Congress to take swift legislative action to mitigate the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the printing and graphic communications industry by creating a federal emergency program to provide compensation for COVID-19-related employee leave.
“While initial legislation (H.R. 6201, Families First Coronavirus Response Act) calls for a federal mandate requiring businesses with 500 and fewer employees to provide 12 weeks of paid leave, PIA is hearing loud and clear from its members that there is not liquidity nor tolerance for debt available to fulfill this mandate,” Michael Makin, the president and CEO of the Warrendale, Pa.-based PIA, said in a March 18 statement. “The result could lead to an acceleration of layoffs and closures – causing loss of employer-sponsored health insurance for workers at the time it may be most needed.”
“Additionally, policy promising future employer tax credits—while helpful for longer-term stability—will not address the cash hemorrhaging PIA member companies are experiencing now due to idled presses, customer closures in key verticals like retail, hospitality and transportation, and the uncertainty of future business,” Makin added. “Government policy solutions that can be implemented immediately are required and must move quickly through the legislative process and to the President’s desk.”
PIA, along with dozens of other industry trade associations, has submitted a formal request to urge Congressional leadership to act on the creation of a federal emergency leave plan as soon as possible. “[PIA] is dedicated to advocating this policy solution, which is one of many that may be necessary to help our industry face the COVID-19 pandemic,” the March 18 statement said. “[We] are committed to the safety and well-being of our members, the printing industry, and its workforce during the ongoing COVID-19 situation.”
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