Litho Quebec installs Koenig & Bauer Rapida 105
December 12, 2022 By PrintAction Staff

At its facility in a suburb of Montreal, Litho Quebec installs the first new generation Koenig & Bauer Rapida 105 41-in. six colour press. The Rapida press allows a mix of commercial, packaging, and specialty printing.
The company has also installed Koenig & Bauer’s QualiTronic inline ColorControl system. Its camera system, installed after the coating unit, permits automatic measurements of optical density in the freshly printed colour bars. These measurement values serve as a basis for fast dynamic inline control of the ink key settings.
The new press also has Koenig & Bauer’s QualiTronic PrintCheck system, which combines colour measurement with production quality monitoring to ensure every sheet is correct. The system is equipped with a colour measuring camera with LED illumination integrated directly into the press and allows fully automatic comparison of the printed sheets with a previously defined reference. At the end of the job, a job report is saved automatically as a PDF file, again without further input on the part of the operator.
“This latest press from Koenig & Bauer is replacing an older 29-in. sheetfed press from a different manufacturer,” said Gary Zacard, co-owner of the company. “It will join our current Rapida 105 41-in. UV hybrid press. We feel this is an optimum solution for our customers. With these two presses running in tandem, we will be able to offer our customers the highest quality work and build our loyal customer base.”
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