In addition to its partnership announcement with Konica Minolta, Komori also disclosed what it plans to exhibit in its Hall 15 booth this May in Dusseldorf. Under the theme of “Komori OnDemand” the company will show its technology under seven sub-themes:
1. OffsetOnDemand
2. Package Print
3. Efficient and Multi-flexible Print
4. DigitalOnDemand
5. KOMORI Assistance
6. KOMORI Ecology
7. KOMORI Web, Chambon and Security Printing
Komori will show two new offset presses as well as two new configurations of existing presses. World debuts include the Komori Lithrone GX40 Carton press, shown as a six-colour, H-UV and coater configuration. The company will also show a new press called the Lithrone A37, a four-colour, 37-inch sheetfed offset press, designed for the Chinese market.
New configurations on hand will include an 8-colour G40 H-UV equipped convertible perfecting press, as well as the 5-colour Enthrone 29 convertible perfecting sheetfed offset press.
Of course, as previously announced, the company will show three new “digital machines” that are the result of its collaboration with Konica Minolta: two inkjet machines, both webfed and sheetfed, as well as a toner-based machine based on Konica Minolta’s bizhub PRESS C8000.
New press technologies shown will include Komori’s K-ColorSimulator, which made its debut at IGAS 2011. The system matches the colour output of an offset press to that of a print-on-demand system.
The company will also show off its Asynchronous Automatic Plate Changing system (A-APC), which changes all plates in approximately 75 seconds.
Komori will demonstrate its PDC-SX Spectral Density Controller, which measures colour densities and register control based on colour bars that can be located anywhere on a sheet.
Using technology from its security printing division, Komori-Chambon, Komori’s Print Quality Assessment System for Sheetfed (PQA-S) uses cameras to check both sides of every sheet printed on the company’s long perfector presses. The system, to be fitted on the company’s Lithrone GX40 Carton press, also measures colour density in real time.
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