INX earns material health certificate
April 13, 2021 By PrintAction Staff

INX International Ink receives a Gold level Material Health Certificate from the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute (C2CPII), in collaboration with the Environmental Protection Encouragement Agency. Intended for use on beverage cans, the AP EcoCan 2-piece metal ink system achieved this status after INX standard AP series inks had already earned bronze level certification.
This achievement is significant since C2CPII is the certifying body designing, implementing and managing systems and processes serving as a Certification program for products and materials that meet certain quality assurance criteria. The organization helps brand owners with their sustainability efforts by determining and validating which sustainable materials, products and systems are safe for the environment and human health.
The Material Health Gold certification is modelled to improve the ways products are made, used and re-used. This is essential to brand owners looking to substantiate their sustainability efforts, including the development of ink solutions used on their products. The C2C material health principal indicates the printing ink materials are inert to the environment and safe for human health. Gold certification is awarded to products that contain absolutely no substances on a banned chemicals list.
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