Print Wisdom heads back to school with fall session
August 30, 2021 By PrintAction Staff
With a new school year around the corner, strategic consulting firm, Connecting for Results (CFR), has announced the Print Wisdom career mentorship program will be available this fall for Ryerson University’s (Toronto) Graphics Communications Management (GCM) students.
Working with the school’s GCM program and Tri-Mentoring Program, Print Wisdom provides students with the opportunity to find counsel from seasoned professionals, starting September 20, 2021. Previously available to third- and fourth-year academics, the mentorship program is expanding this fall to enable second-year students to also participate.
The initiative is designed to help guide the students and to network with print professionals as they start their careers, as well as provide an opportunity to seek career advice, guidance and motivation, and industry resources. In particular, Print Wisdom is seeking females mentors to assist female students in the GCM program.
To date, current mentees in the program have experienced:
• Defining their unique selling proposition to stand out from the competition
• Preparing for internships with resume tips and interview skills
• Insights into various areas of the industry and potential career paths
• Having a sounding board to help with internships, including making the transition from academic life to the professional world, navigating workplace dynamics, and learning business etiquette
• Developing a comfort level engaging with industry professionals as they navigate from an academic environment
For mentors, the experience has given them an opportunity to:
• Understand the challenges of entering the field during COVID-19
• Gain perspectives from a diverse student population
• Identify the challenges faced by female students entering the field
• Build rewarding relationships with bright, up-and-coming talent
• Give back to the next generation and help the future of the industry
The fall 2021 mentorship program runs from September 20, 2021 to March 31, 2022, and provides students with the opportunity to sample a variety of areas of the industry, also giving employers the opportunity to meet new talent. Students can meet with their mentors 1:1 virtually, or in person, on an on-going basis. Alternatively, they can participate in a one-time flash mentoring session to get quick advice with an industry expert.
“We’ve seen a great response from the professional community for Print Wisdom and are pleased to offer the program to the students again in September,” said Bob Dale, COO, Connecting For Results.
“Print Wisdom has been valuable for the students who are dealing with added stresses this year due to COVID-19. The program provides them with added support while they make the transition from school into the workplace,” said Martin Habekost, chair, School of Graphic Communications Management, Ryerson University.
“Mentorship programs have a track record of success in helping students to prosper in all areas of academic life, particularly the transition into the workplace,” said Maricruz Rodriguez, mentoring facilitator, Tri-Mentoring Program, Student Affairs, Ryerson University. “With the specific challenges the students are facing due to COVID-19, this program is of real benefit to them.”
To sign up to be a mentor, please visit www.ryerson.peoplegrove.com or e-mail n.morrison@cfrincorporated.com for more information.
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