Driven by new Harlequin RIP technology, ECRM’s RIPMate 8.1 includes enhancements for rendering and trapping complex transparencies, as well as new features for processing PDFs in production workflows. The software specifically now includes support for PDF version 1.7 and PDF/X-4, while also supporting JPEG2000, optional content, cross-reference streams, compressed object streams and 16-bit images. Users process their PDFs directly on the RIP through hot folders or the print file menu, while they can can also pull files directly from the latest version of Acrobat or drop PDFs into design applications and RIP.
In addition, RIPMate is now able to capture rasterized files, which helps when working with redundant images, particularly when processing PDF files with pages that share a non-variant background and have text varying from page to page. RIPMate is able to scan the PDF for repeating-image pages, and then RIPs the invariant background once, while retaining it for use on the subsequent pages.
The new PDF Raster option offers users the ability to create a PDF of the actual rasterized file. Using the in-RIP trapping option, TrapMate, the PDF raster output plug-in can be used to image a composite (halftone) PDF with traps. Users can also turn on the highlight traps feature to output a composite PDF with the traps highlighted in either red or green. This feature, according to ECRM, gives users the ability to output a composite screened CMYK PDF file directly from their RIP or workflow.
A new multi-threading feature allows RIPMate to leverage hyper-threading and multi-core CPU architectures, as well as multiple processors. Multi-threading is now available as a standard RIP feature in most applications. The new Migrate Feature makes allows users to migrate page setups, and input channels and calibrations into the latest version of their RIP.
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