MGI scores JETvarnish 3D triple play with Israeli sales
August 14, 2018 By PrintAction Staff

Three Israeli service providers recently implemented three different new MGI JETvarnish 3D digital embellishment presses in the packaging, label, commercial print and trade finishing market sectors.
One of the firms, Heret Printing & Packaging, headquartered in Yavne, upgraded and expanded its operations with a new JETvarnish 3D Evolution B1+/Full Sheet platform (29 x 47 inches).
Since 1936, Heret Printing has delivered production printing and packaging solutions to a variety of industries. Heret provides dedicated design, distribution and supply-chain services to international brands such as Soda Stream, Ahava, Sabon, The Body Shop and many more.
In March 2015, Heret Printing invested in an MGI JETvarnish 3D to add value to its digital and offset presses, including its HP Indigo 30000. To achieve all the advantages and benefits of a completely digital production workflow, it organized its operation so the JETvarnish 3D would be able to add valuable finishing effects to both the HP press and its legacy offset printing equipment, explains MGI.
Now, after three years of high-volume production, the company has upgraded to a new B1+ JETvanish 3D Evolution (Evo) to further increase its capacity to deliver decorative print embellishments. The JETvarnish 3D Evo, MGI explains, was the first B1+/Full sheet digital enhancement press in the world when it was launched at Drupa 2016 and has since been installed in various countries on four continents.
Skitza, a trade finishing house in Tel Aviv, acquired a JETvarnish 3D B2+ press to help increase value to both offset and digital prints across a spectrum of commercial printing applications. Additionally, another packaging printer and converter that specializes in developing brand campaigns and new product launches with both label and flexible packaging designs purchased a roll-fed JETvarnish 3D Web press.
MGI JETvarnish 3D presses produce digitally decorated special effects such as detailed 2D spot gloss highlights, 3D dimensional textures and embossed foil applications The JETvarnish 3D Series also offers powerful variable data processing capabilities to produce personalized and customized images and alpha-numeric text on every piece and job, explains MGI.
Each JETvarnish 3D system possesses an intelligent registration system, called the AIS SmartScanner, designed to treat each printed piece as a separate unique job in a move to ensure design quality and accuracy.
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