Alphagraphics franchise installs Xante En/Press digital press
July 10, 2020 By PrintAction Staff

An Alphagraphics franchise in Fort Worth, Tex. recently purchased a Xante En/Press Digital Multimedia Press based on its ability to produce outstanding results on a variety of media, as well as its iQueue workflow software which now includes iQueue Mail USPS-certified presorting capabilities.
iQueue Mail allows print providers to validate addresses against the USPS databases, check for existing forwarding addresses, remove duplicates, and automatically sort the resulting address list for the most economical postage rates. The service is included free of charge with the iQueue Adobe PostScript PDF workflow software with every Xante digital press.
The Alphagraphics franchise has benefitted from becoming more specialized in mail preparation, resulting in repeat business for its owners, Karlien and David Murphy.
By using iQueue Mail and printing envelopes and mailings on the En/Press, Karlien is able to cleanse mailing lists of duplicates, erroneous addresses, incomplete addresses, find forwarding addresses and report all of this valuable data back to her clients. iQueue Mail automatically barcodes each mail piece, completes all required USPS documentation and allows users to electronically upload documentation to the USPS.
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