Flint Group forms Sustainability Task Force
June 8, 2020 By PrintAction Staff
Flint Group Packaging Inks has announced its vision for supporting circular economies in a new white paper that announces the formation of a Sustainability Task Force.
The white paper outlines the environmental challenges faced by the industry in the past, present and future, and examines how Flint Group can use the task force to provide sustainable solutions, insight and collaboration for its key stakeholders.
The company says there are four core areas of activity where Flint Group is supporting the supply chain to become more circular while adding value. These include addressing sustainability concerns on a broad scale, supporting converter operations, solving recycling complexities and delivering greater industry networking and partnership to help drive change and innovation.
“When the global economy begins to recuperate from [COVID-19’s] affects, our industry has a unique opportunity to ensure sustainable packaging forms an irreplaceable part of the recovery. As awareness of the human impact on the environment has evolved, consumers have become increasingly concerned about packaging and its role in waste and pollution,” said Deanna Klemesrud, global marketing director, Brand & Promotion.
The task force is also working to support printers in moving away from fossil fuel-based materials and developing solutions for those planning to transition from rigid to flexible packaging to lower their carbon footprint. It has also developed several programs to help printers reduce overall ink consumption and materials waste in production, with the goal of boosting sustainability credentials and becoming more cost-efficient and competitive. Ink chemistry expertise also allows the task force to work with recycling companies to address the challenges that ink introduces into the recycling process and the quality of recycled material.
Flint Group’s Sustainability Task Force includes 13 employees located around the globe, at all levels of the business.
The white paper can be viewed here.
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