Fujifilm and Kodak have separately announced increased plate production through its European manufacturing facilities.
Kodak announced it has upgraded a second plate manufacturing line at its facility in Leeds, UK, and will increase its capacity for producing its process-free Thermal Direct and PF-N plates.
“We are fast approaching the milestone of 1,500 commercial and publication customers using process-free technology plates,” said Doug Edwards, General Manager, Prepress Solutions for Kodak. “That number continues to grow aggressively. On the newspaper side, a growing number of newspaper accounts in the U.S. and Canada now use PF-N Plates.”
Fujifilm announced that a new production line at its Netherlands-based plant will go online in January 2012. It is one of four primary sites where the company produces printing plates. It will also increase the company’s capacity for chemistry-free and low-chemistry plates.
The Fujifilm plant in The Netherlands also employs renewable energy produced through wind turbines, which currently accounts for 20 percent of the company’s production power needs, and also recaptures waste heat to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
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