Kodak advanced its line of Sonora XP process-free plates to be more applicable in larger commercial printing operations, expanding upon the product’s previous fit primarily with small- and medium-sized printers.
Sonora XP plates are now available in larger widths of up to 1,495 mm and with a 0.40 mm gauge, allowing for their use in more demanding manufacturing environments. The larger process-free plates maintain their abilty to reduce requirements for chemistry, electricity, water and equipment during processing. Kodak plans to start producing even larger plate sizes over the coming months.
“More than 2,000 customers have embraced the process-free revolution started by Kodak,” stated Rich Rindo, General Manager of Kodak’s Worldwide Graphics Marketing organization. “The Sonora XP process-free plate is the next step in the evolution of process-free thermal plate technology.”
Kodak describes Sonora XP plates as being used in small, medium and large commercial sheetfed operations, as well as with printers running commercial heatset and coldset web presses, offset packaging applications, and short-run UV. Kodak states that its Sonora XP line represents “the only true process-free plates commercially available in [VLF] formats.”
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