Metro Waste Paper Recovery, which manages discarded materials for industrial, commercial, retail and graphics sectors across North American, has changed its name to Cascades Recovery Inc.
The company is owned by the Cascades Specialty Products Group out of Montreal. According to Cascades, a much wider range of materials are now recovered and transformed into paper and packaging.
“To capitalize on this direction, and on our relationship with Cascades, it is time to refresh our image; one that reflects the fact that we care so much about paper and packaging, when its discarded we want it back,” stated Al Metauro, CEO of Cascades Recovery.
Founded in 1964, Cascades produces, converts and markets packaging and tissue products composed mainly of recycled fibres. Cascades employs close to 12,500 employees who work in more than 100 production units located in North America and Europe.
The company has 21 recovery centres across North America.
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