Connecting for Results expands business to the U.S.
February 23, 2021 By PrintAction Staff
Connecting for Results Inc. has announced that it is expanding its business offering to clients in the United States. Operating in the U.S. as Connecting for Results Corp., the firm is set to help American customers in commercial print and packaging to achieve their goals with mergers and acquisitions, recruiting and consulting, effective immediately.
The company has hired Keith Larson to lead the business expansion in the U.S. Keith has held roles including CFO and CMO for print management and distribution company Cenveo, and has also held leadership roles at Bertelsmann and other global firms. Keith has also acquired several companies and successfully integrated them.
“I’m delighted to be expanding our business operations in the United States and to welcome Keith Larson on board,” said Gordon Griffiths, CEO, Connecting for Results. “Keith has leadership experience as a global problem solver, and he is also the unique combination of skills that include sales, financial expertise, operations, and marketing. His positive contributions will help to make Connecting for Results Corp. a success.”
“I’m happy to join Connecting for Results Corp.,” said Keith Larson, principal consultant, Connecting for Results Corp. “I’m excited to be working with this team of industry experts, and helping the organization to grow by helping customers achieve their business goals.”
As CFR expands its business to assist U.S.-based customers, the company is offering mergers and acquisitions, consulting and recruitment in commercial print and packaging. Its team is equipped to help the industry overall, as well as specific segments that are experiencing additional challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Keith can be contacted at k.larson@cfrincorporated.com.
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