Connecting for Results partners with Ryerson for GCM mentorship program
February 5, 2021 By PrintAction Staff
Strategic consulting firm Connecting for Results Inc. has launched Print Wisdom, a career mentorship program, in partnership with Ryerson University. Working with Ryerson’s Graphic Communications Management program, Print Wisdom provides third- and fourth-year students with the opportunity to seek advice from seasoned professionals in the industry.
The mentorship initiative will provide students with career advice, guidance and motivation, and resources and networking opportunities ahead of their entrance into the industry. The experience aims to help guide the students onto the right track as they start their careers, in particular female students, who are currently the majority of those entering the field, according to Connecting for Results.
“Print Wisdom is a way we can share our knowledge and give back to the community,” said Bob Dale, COO of Connecting for Results. “By supporting the students, we are celebrating diversity in the industry, and helping to set the students up for their current and future success.”
“It’s a valuable part of the student experience to connect with industry professionals,” said Jason Lisi, Chair, School of Graphic Communications Management, Ryerson University. “The mentorship program allows the students to continue their education outside the classroom, and prepare them to make the transition from school to the workplace.”
The mentorship program will run from Feb. 8 to Aug. 31, 2021, and will provide students with the opportunity to sample a variety of areas of the industry, also giving potential employers the opportunity to meet new talent. Students are able to meet with their mentors one-on-one virtually, or in person, on an on-going basis. Alternatively, they can participate in a one-time Flash Mentoring session to receive quick advice.
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