Avant Imaging & Information Management Inc. (AIIM) of Aurora, Ontario, has acquired the assets of the Aurora print facility of Ricoh Document Management (RDM).
The purchase of RDM’s Aurora facility will expand AIIM’s existing capabilities in document management and direct-mail services. “The combination of this facility with our current services will widen our offering to our clients enabling us to provide new services and strengthen those that we currently deliver,” said Mario Giorgio, CEO of AIIM. “We look forward to bringing together the two operations to deliver the most comprehensive suite of document management services available.”
Frank Giorgio, President of AIIM, also known as The AIIM Group, explains the acquisition will result in greater efficiencies and significantly increase AIIM’s market share in direct-mail services. AIIM states it has developed 10 service lines based on the enterprise output chain.
The AIIM Group operates within an 80,000-square-foot facility with 90 full-time employees. The Aurora company’s services blend includes litho, high-speed inkjet and toner printing, as well as online developments and data services.
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