Komcan Inc., headquartered in Georgetown, Ont., is to now represent Komori America Corporation in Eastern Canada. “We are looking forward to further promoting the Komori brand and are pleased with the trust Komori America has placed in our hands,” said Steve Ranson, President of Komcan.
Komcan, established in 2013, is the authorized agent for selling and servicing Komori printing presses and auxiliary equipment in Canada’s Ontario and Western Provinces, including OEM parts and consumable products. “Komcan has done an outstanding job in Ontario and the Western provinces and we are confident they will have success in Eastern Canada as well,” said Kosh Miyao, President and COO of Komori America.
“All of us at Komcan are excited about the Eastern Canadian market and working with the existing and new Komori customers in the Quebec region,” added Ranson.
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