Mitchell Press names new business solutions specialist
September 7, 2022 By PrintAction Staff

Mitchell Press appoints Ely Ross as business solutions specialist. He will anchor Mitchell Press’s Calgary sales office. Ross brings over 20 years of hands-on technical knowledge, curiosity, and a relentless drive for problem solving.
He was previously a digital production manager responsible for prepress, colour management, mail management, and facilitated custom online marketing storefronts.
“Not only is he a great cultural fit for our team, but also Ely has an incredible amount of experience and personal drive that we’re excited to share with our Alberta partners,” said Mitchell’s VP of sales, A.J. Rai. “Coming from a highly technical customer service background, we look forward to further developing his career to become that frontline solution provider for our partners. We have served Albertan communicators for decades and we are excited to build and support a local office while contributing to the community.”
“I am really excited to join the Mitchell team. They have built a strong reputation in the industry for trust, adaptability, and forward-thinking capabilities. Our team has built a smooth workflow. It will let me focus on making a difference for our business partners. Mitchell’s view of the industry with its strategic forward-focused investments delivers further growth and longevity on their current 94 years; all at a challenging time in the economy. It’s really refreshing to be part of Mitchell as they double down to help businesses succeed and grow,” added Ross.
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