Mimaki last week opened up its first Canadian location in Toronto, Ontario, with a traditional Kagami Biraki ceremony to acknowledge the imaging company’s headquartered roots in Japan.
Mimaki USA, a leading manufacturer of wide-format inkjet printers and cutters, today celebrated the opening of its new Toronto Branch, the company’s first in Canada and seventh in North America. A grand opening event was held on October 11, 2016.
The highlight of a Kagami Biraki ceremony culminates with the lid of a sake barrel being broken open by a wooden mallet and the sake is served to everyone present. Mimaki explains the ceremony represents an opening to harmony and good fortune.
Located at the intersection of Jane Street and Highway 7 in Toronto, Mimaki’s new Canadian location includes a technology centre, Mimaki’s seventh such centre in North America, for running demonstrations of its wide-format imaging technologies.
Lucas Crossley, Canada Sales Manager for Mimaki, will lead the new Canadian location, which will include trained sales, support and service staff to help support its dealers across the country. The 11,000-square-foot technology centre will also hold Dealer Technician Certification courses in addition to applications training for clients.
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