E.B. Box installs Heidelberg Speedmaster XL
October 27, 2020 By PrintAction Staff

Richmond Hill, Ont.-based E.B. Box, a food-grade packaging company, recently installed a new Heidelberg Speedmaster XL 106+6+L with Push to Stop technology and Prinect Production Manager, a move that the company says has helped it increase its packaging capacity by 50 to 60 per cent per shift.
Established in 1972, E.B. Box was primarily a carton finisher until 2015, when it installed a 2001 press from a competitive manufacturer and started printing in-house. After branching out into custom printing, E.B. Box decided to build its own custom facility and decided to invest in its growth by upgrading its print technology and replacing its older press.
The Speedmaster XL 106 was selected for this upgrade, a move that Irfan Rajabali, director of business development, says was an easy choice. “If we were going to take our growth as a company seriously, we needed to invest in a technology that would reliably exceed the expectations our customers have for us,” he said.
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