Highcon Systems has launched new product enhancements and consumables, and a new pricing model. These new initiatives will enable the customers of Highcon Euclid and Beam digital converting platforms to improve their workflow efficiencies.
“Customers expect us to continually deliver product enhancements and improvements throughout the life cycle of our equipment, and now more than ever, it’s important that we support them. The initiatives launched today, once implemented at each of our customers’ sites, will have an immediate benefit, but they will also secure future success too. For example, our new unified software platform approach will ensure that all Highcon customers continue to benefit from our ongoing R&D investment in software tools for years to come,” comments Shlomo Nimrodi, CEO at Highcon.
Highcon is introducing consumables and services at a new bundled price, allowing for consistent pricing of any job.
It is also launching its 5 Generation DART Consumable set, engineered to improve crease quality and reduce setup time by up to 20 per cent. It also features a broader range of supported boards, leading to increased application possibilities and ensuring Highcon finished jobs meet the quality requirements of major brands.
Highcon is releasing a new and unified software version for both Euclid and Beam platforms, delivering new and upgraded features/capabilities to all our customers.
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