Komcan named sole Canadian distributor of MBO equipment
June 23, 2020 By PrintAction Staff
Komcan Inc. and MBO America have reached an agreement naming Komcan as the sole authorized distributor of MBO equipment in Canada. The agreement is to include sale of equipment, parts supply and service of the MBO line of equipment.
Effective May 1, 2020, MBO became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Komori Corp. under the new company name MBO Postpress Solutions GmbH. Komcan is also the sole authorized dealer of Komori products in Canada.
The new agreement allows Komcan to offer both Komori offset and digital press lineups, as well as MBO finishing solutions.
“Once the acquisition (of MBO by Komori Corp.) was announced, it was hard not to get excited,” said Steve Ranson, Komcan president. “Having represented the most reliable press manufacturer in Komori for over the past 17 years, I am thrilled to be able to add MBO products to the Komcan portfolio and provide printers with a one-stop solution for their plant.”
“MBO America is delighted to have the team at Komcan Inc. representing our full product line in Canada,” added Josh Romberg, VP of sales for MBO America. “Steve and his team have a great history and reputation in the Canadian marketplace, and I feel that together we’ll be able to create valuable synergies for the graphic arts community across the country.”
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