PrintPro installs Canada’s first Xerox Iridesse
August 14, 2018 By PrintAction Staff

PrintPro Digital & Offset Printing has acquired the first Xerox Iridesse production press in Canada — an investment it says will help achieve the double-digit annual revenue growth it has maintained since 2012.
Iridesse is equipped with six toner stations, and is described as the only digital press that can print metallic gold or silver dry ink, CMYK and clear dry ink in a single pass.
The Winnipeg, Manitoba-based firm says it plans to take advantage of the press’s range of metallic hues by entering the packaging market. It intends to use Iridesse as its go-to digital colour press to serve its customers in the manufacturing, mining, healthcare and automotive industries, as well as academic institutions, not-for-profits and associations. The firm currently produces a range of applications including marketing collateral, flyers, postcards, tags, direct mail, catalogs, guides, manuals and annual reports.
“We strongly believe that investing in new technology is critical to staying relevant to our customers,” says Bhadresh Bhatt, founder and president, PrintPro. “With the Iridesse Production Press, we are now technology leaders.”
Related: Xerox introduces “another first” in the world of print – the Iridesse production press
PrintPro began a search last year for a press that could print on thicker stocks, accommodate specialty dry inks and run full-bleed booklets inline. On June 15, the company signed the deal for Iridesse, including the full range of gold, silver and clear dry inks, and a full-bleed, crease and square fold booklet maker. The press was installed on June 30.
To market the new capabilities, PrintPro has developed sample packages showcasing the range of embellishments Iridesse can produce and has plans for a fall open house.
“PrintPro’s story is a proof point to our focus on producing technology that directly impacts our customer’s business growth and productivity,” said Ragni Mehta, vice president & general manager, Cut Sheet Business, Xerox. “PrintPro’s entry to the packaging market in the coming months is directly related to Iridesse’s ability to print on thicker stock along with the metallic and clear dry ink capabilities that will give them an added advantage in this segment.”
Founded in 1989, PrintPro is a family-owned commercial printing company, operating in the same facility as two complementary businesses the family owns: Olympic Printing, specializing in offset printing, and React Signs, a sign producer. In addition to Iridesse, PrintPro has a Xerox Versant 80 Press and a Xerox D110 Printer to support its digital printing capabilities.
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