
Headlines News
Ampersand Wins CIPPI Award

September 17, 2009  By Jon Robinson

Ampersand CIPPIGuelph-based Ampersand Printing, using press technology from Mitsubishi, Kodak Prinergy and Hiflex MIS software, and cutting equipment from Heidelberg, won first place in the annual CIPPI awards, which celebrate world-class JDF integration.

Ampersand received its recognition, officially presented under the Jürgen Schönhut Memorial CIP4 International Print Production Innovation (CIPPI) Awards, in the category of Best Process Automation Implementation, North America. CIP4 names its winners based on the most-compelling case-study submission across three topical categories and four regions.

Under the leadership of Damian and Mike McDonald, Ampersand has won a CIPPI award for the past four years: Automating prepress and MIS in 2006; extending JDF automation to postpress in 2007; and extending JDF automation to press operations in 2008. In May 2008, the 17-employee printing company installed a new 40-inch, 6-colour Mitsubishi DIAMOND press.


Key results from Ampersand’s current win include a 34-minute, average time reduction in “first-signature preparation”– to 16 minutes from 50 minutes. The company also reduced its “following signatures” prep from 30 minutes to eight, while it also cut an average of 400 sheets of waste per reprint signature.

The full list of winners, as decided by a panel of five international judges, includes:

Best cost/benefit realization and improvement in efficiency as a result of process automation implementation
First Place: Druckerei Bauer GmbH of Pfedelbach, Germany
Second Place: Sirivatana Interprint Public Company Limited, of Bankok, Thialand

Biggest improvement in quality production & customer responsiveness as a result of process automation
First Place: C. Maurer Druck und Verlag GmbH of Geislingen/Steige, Germany  
Second Place: Druckerei Bauer GmbH of Pfedelbach, Germany

Most innovative use of process automation technology in an implementation
Shinkosha Printing Company of Tokyo, Japan

Small Business Process Automation Implementation of the Year
5Sept Etiquette of Courthézon, France

Best Process Automation Implementation, Asia/Pacific
Shinkosha Printing Company of Tokyo, Japan

Best Process Automation Implementation, Europe
Cloître Imprimeurs of Saint-Thonan, France

Best Process Automation Implementation, North America
Ampersand Printing of Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Best Process Automation Implementation, Emerging Markets
Emirates Printing Press of Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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