Significans Automation, Chalex to co-market solutions
December 12, 2022 By PrintAction Staff

Significans Automation and Chalex combine forces to co-market and OEM their solutions. The two companies will focus on the cross-promotion of Significans Automation’s development and integration services together with Chalex’s ArtFlo, a new digital asset management and file sharing service for product information management.
ArtFlo is the digital asset management component of Chalex’s flagship brand project management and workflow management system, SmartFlo. ArtFlo features automatic indexing of assets, intuitive taxonomy tools, matching search, and full internationalization/customization.
“With ArtFlo, Significans Automation now has a sophisticated asset manager to offer its customers, something that has never been readily available to production environments,” saidStan Carmichael, Significans Automation’s director, special projects.
According to Chalex president Murray Oles, “Like Significans Automation, Chalex Corp. supplies software and support services to help customers implement digital transformations by providing intuitive ways to automate business processes for the enterprise. Combining forces to bring our solutions to market will help our clients improve production efficiencies and, ultimately, become more profitable through workflow automation.”
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