Huge Paper earns Canadian distribution rights for Magnum Magnetics
February 24, 2023 By PrintAction Staff

Huge Paper, Toronto, signs an agreement with Magnum Magnetics, the largest manufacturer of magnetics in the U.S., to become a distributor of Magnum’s magnetic media products to commercial printers across Canada. The news comes just a couple of months after Huge Paper announced its exclusive release of high-performance Poly G polyester papers to the Canadian market.
“I recently visited Magnum Magnetics’ production facility in Marietta, Ohio, and was blown away by the quality and unmatched range of their products. Printable, flexible magnetics is experiencing rapid growth, especially in signage, and we’ll continue to partner with our clients to bring them all the benefits of these profit-building products,” said Jeff Tapping, president of Huge Paper.
Products include flexible magnetics (aka rubber magnets), printable magnetic sheeting and magnetic rolls, magnetic strips and tapes, and extruded magnets. Common applications include commercial print, wide-format/decorative signage, POP/retail displays, menu boards/take-out menus, calendars, sports schedules, vehicle signage, outdoor banners, and building wraps.
“We’ve made it a point to stock the most extensive inventory of Magnum Magnetics’ products in Canada,” Tapping added. “No matter what type of printing equipment you use – digital, litho or wide-format – we have the printable magnetic sheets, rolls and label rolls you need. We also stock a full line of magnetic tapes for easy mounting of printed graphics.”
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