drupa 2020 wants to take packaging ‘to the next level’
February 14, 2019 By PrintAction Staff

To address the challenges and transformations in the packaging sector, the touchpoint packaging initiative at drupa 2020 will showcase how innovative printing technologies contribute to the future of packaging. drupa will take place from June 16 to 26, 2020 at the fairgrounds in Düsseldorf, Germany.
During the latest steering committee meeting in December 2018, the touchpoint packaging members Agfa, Bobst, Danone, Esko, Heidelberg, HP, Kurz, Nestlé, Siegwerk and EPDA (European Packaging Design Association) defined more than 20 projects that will cover key issues such as customization and personalization, digitalization, security and authentication.
In these projects, concepts and the latest know-how about packaging production, finishing techniques and substrates will be developed and presented – the highlight will be prototypes of new packaging solutions that meet the demands and requirements of future consumers and brand owners. drupa visitors will be able to experience both physical and non-physical packaging elements via augmented reality, virtual reality and digital workflows. Over the 11 days of drupa 2020, visitors will be able to listen to keynotes, attend roundtables, engage with specialists and see the newest packaging solutions designed to help brand owners, packaging designers and packaging converters meet the requirements of the next decade, show organizers explain.
In addition, drupa has formalized an agreement with NABA, International Academy of Art, Design and Fashion. A handpicked group of their international students will add their insights and creativity to the steering committee member-driven projects and present their own ideas and design concepts for tomorrow’s packaging.
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