Competition Bureau approves buyers of Domtar mills to resolve competition concerns in Canada’s paper industry
August 4, 2023 By PrintAction Staff
The Competition Bureau approves independent buyers of two of Domtar Corporation’s mills in Ontario. Dryden Fibre Canada, an affiliate of First Quality Enterprises, will buy of Domtar’s pulp mill in Dryden, and Atlas Holdings will take over Domtar’s pulp and paper mill in Thunder Bay.
Following a review of Domtar’s acquisition of Resolute Forest Products, the Bureau registered an agreement in December 2022 requiring the sale of the mills.
The Bureau review concluded that the merger of Domtar and Resolute would likely lessen competition substantially in the supply of northern bleached softwood kraft (NBSK) pulp in Eastern and Central Canada, and in the purchase of wood fibre from private lands in northwestern Ontario. The sale of the Dryden and Thunder Bay mills resolves competition concerns that would otherwise result from the merger.
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