Tanner Hockey, a first year British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) student, has been selected to receive a $5,000 scholarship from the Canadian Printing Industries Scholarship Trust Fund (CPISTF) for the 2022/2023 academic year.
The scholarship was established to honour the late Warren Wilkins, a visionary leader in the Canadian printing industry who worked diligently to foster and support new talent.
It provides special recognition to a particularly deserving student starting their post-secondary studies toward a career in graphic communications.
Hockey was nominated for this award by Masih Ferdosian, program head of the Graphic Communications Program at BCIT.
“Tanner consistently exhibits strong leadership skills, a proactive attitude, and a remarkable ability to collaborate effectively with his peers,” said Ferdosian.
“Completing my first year in the program at BCIT has been a rewarding challenge thus far. I feel more prepared than ever to absorb and implement my learnings from this program with the help of my previously acquired skills and life experiences,” added Hockey.
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