The Mayor of Vaughan, Maurizio Bevilacqua, congratulated the co-owners of Advertek, Joe Montalbano and Simon Spina, during an open house to celebrate their recently opened 30,000-square-foot plant.
Advertek was founded 14 years ago and Montalbano and Spina took over ownership, along with a third partner no longer involved in the business, back in 1999. At the time, Advertek was an 8-employee shop running a 4-colour Solna press and turning over about $800,000 in sales every year.
Construction on Advertek’s new plant, designed by Montalbano and Spina, began in June 2010 with operations starting up in November of last year.
Today, the company runs four Heidelberg sheetfed presses, including two 6-colour, 40-inch machines; a 4-colour, 20-inch; and a 2-colour, 18-inch that is primarily used for stationary work. Advertek has also invested in several pieces of finishing technology and toner-based presses for the new facility, most recently installing a Xerox 800 and Xerox 4127.
Pictured above: Vaughan Mayor, Maurizio Bevilacqua, leads Advertek’s ribbon-cutting ceremony.
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