Rémi Marcoux to step down from Transcontinental’s board
January 29, 2024 By PrintAction Staff

Rémi Marcoux, founder of TC Transcontinental and board member, has decided to not seek re‑election as a director. His current term will end on March 13, at the annual shareholders’ meeting. In recognition of his entrepreneurial career and his significant contribution to the vision, growth and development of the company in keeping with its values, the board has named Marcoux “founder emeritus”.
“I built this great company, which I founded in 1976, with a long-term vision and a desire for continuity, and my wishes have come true. I am a fulfilled and content man as I look to TC Transcontinental’s future, and I thank all our shareholders, customers, suppliers and employees for their unwavering support over the years. At the age of 83, I intend to take it easy a bit, and I have full confidence in my daughter Isabelle, who succeeded me as board chair in 2012, in Thomas Morin, President and CEO, as well as our talented board members, executives and employees,” said Marcoux.
“My dear Rémi, it will be a very special moment for us on March 13 when you step away from the boardroom table,” said Isabelle Marcoux, executive chair of the Transcontinental Board. “We will continue to honour you, because we have learned from the best. You are one of the great entrepreneurs of Québec who knew how to look far ahead, a remarkable mentor who guided me and many generations of business people, and finally an extraordinary philanthropist, notably with HEC Montréal, Centraide of Greater Montréal and the Montreal Heart Institute. Transcontinental’s board of directors is proud to have named you “founder emeritus” for the outstanding man you are and for your exceptional career as a whole.”
Marcoux is a member of the Order of Canada and an Officer of the National Order of Québec.
To learn more, read Rémi Marcoux’s complete biography.
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