Women in Manufacturing
HP commits to gender parity in leadership by 2030
May 20, 2021 By PrintAction Staff
HP announces a series of ambitious goals to drive a more diverse, equitable and inclusive technology industry, including a pledge to achieve gender parity in leadership by 2030.
This announcement is part of HP’s Sustainable Impact strategy to “create a positive, lasting impact on the planet, our people and communities where we live, work and do business.”
“Our 2030 goals are designed to make HP the world’s most sustainable and just technology company. The actions we’re taking to address some of society’s greatest challenges will strengthen our communities while spurring innovation and growth across our business,” said Enrique Lores, CEO, HP.
HP is making a concerted effort to support women’s career advancement. The company aims to achieve 50/50 gender equality in HP leadership by 2030. HP also commits to achieving greater than 30 per cent technical women and women in engineering roles by 2030.
In addition to championing gender equality, HP aims to have its racial/ethnic representation meet or exceed market availability in the United States by 2030.
Moving forward, HP commits to maintaining a higher than 90 per cent rating on its internal inclusion index for all employee demographics annually. It also seeks to be universally ranked as employer of choice for underrepresented groups in the technology industry by 2030.
Further, HP will create a visible and resilient supply chain with the goal to assure respect for labour-related human rights for 100 per cent of its key contracted manufacturing suppliers and higher risk next tier suppliers by 2030.
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