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Imaged Advertising installs Jeti Tauro H3300 HS LED with varnish, a first for North America
June 8, 2023 By PrintAction Staff

Toronto-based Imaged Advertising Creations (IAC) is one of the leading visual solutions providers. IAC recently purchased Agfa’s Jeti Tauro H3300 HS LED printer with spot varnish capabilities. This printer will allow them to produce high-speed output at near-litho quality.
“We imagined the stunning visuals we could produce on the Jeti Tauro with varnish and recognized that it would be a great fit for our higher-end clientele,” said Sean Sadhoo, COO at IAC. “This is another first in the industry for us. We are known as pioneers that are always pushing the limit. The new Jeti Tauro press will complement our 5-m dye sublimation offerings, turning us into a one-stop shop.”
The gloss and satin finish produced by the Jeti Tauro Varnish enhances prints with a premium and refined look that cosmetic and apparel industries desire, two verticals that IAC has experienced exponential growth within the last two years.
Fred Clemente, VP, sales and innovation, explains “We recognized during COVID-19 that we can no longer be a one-trick pony serving just one market segment. Diversification of accounts is paramount to our success. Markets such as cosmetics and apparel are hungry for customer-focused companies that have innovative solutions.”
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