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Google Print Cloud Update Offers FedEx Office Printing

April 24, 2012  By

Google Print Cloud, a technology which allows users of Google’s phone, tablet devices, as well as PC users, to print remotely, has just added an update which allows users to send jobs directly to FedEx Office (formerly FedEx Kinko’s).
The technology, launched in 2010, originally allowed users to print remotely, whether it is a printer at work or at home. Now users can send jobs to FedEx Office locations around North America, to be retrieved with a generated code.
Google’s Print Cloud technology is also implemented into a line of consumer-level devices from Canon, Epson, HP and Kodak.
In 2007, Adobe and FedEx Kinko’s drew the ire of the printing industry when the two companies partnered to offer a direct printing path from Adobe Acrobat and Acrobat Reader to FedEx Kinko’s locations. Adobe quickly stepped back from the effort after printers threatened to boycott its products.


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