This March, based on new $77,500 in funding from the National Research Council Canada, NorQuest’s Centre for Excellence in Print Media (CEPM) is scheduled to begin a five-city lean-manufacturing tour across Western Canada, including stops in Edmonton, Calgary, Regina, Winnipeg, and a potential April event in Vancouver.
Because of the government funding, CEPM is able to charge printers just $79 (including breakfast and lunch) to attend the daylong workshops, which are designed to help small- and medium-sized printers engage in lean manufacturing. The workshops specifically focus on three key steps an average printer can easily implement with little to no cost to their company.
The workshops are to be co-hosted by Cal-Poly State professor Dr. Ken Macro and NorQuest’s Josh Ramsbottom. Macro, who previously spent two months with NorQuest’s printing program as a visiting professor, co-authored the book Lean Printing: Pathways to Success. “I am excited to take the lean message out to printers throughout Western Canada,” says Macro. “What differentiates this program from others is that we will provide participants with tangible tools and takeaways they can execute at their plants immediately. It is a terrific opportunity for NorQuest and the graphic communication industry.”
As part of the program, the CEPM is also providing three to four companies with the opportunity to participate in a focused 3-day Lean Implementation Planning session. To be considered for the 3-day sessions, a printer must attend one of the single-day workshops, detailed below with registration links.
March 16, 2012
NorQuest College, CEPM
Edmonton, AB
To register, visit www.edmontonleanseminar.eventbrite.ca
March 19, 2012
SAIT Polytechnic
Calgary, AB
To register, visit www.calgaryleanseminar.eventbrite.ca
March 22, 2012
SIAST Wascana Campus
Regina, SK
To register, visit www.reginaleanseminar.eventbrite.ca
April 20, 2012
Manitoba Print Industry Association
Winnipeg, MB
To register, visit www.winnipegleanseminar.eventbrite.ca
To Be Determined
Vancouver, BC
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