Students from Ryerson University’s Graphic Communications Management program continued to shine a bright light on the school after their 2012 Journal won three top awards at last week’s TAGA Conference in Jacksonville, Florida.
Post-secondary printing programs from across North America, as part of a TAGA Student Chapter initiative established in 1985, compete in a journal competition hosted at the annual conference of the Technical Association of the Graphic Arts. In addition to compiling and preparing some of its research, students are involved in every aspect of the journal’s production.
RyeTAGA’s 2012 Journal, while missing out on the coveted Kipphan Cup for best overall publication, won key awards for Best in Publication Design, Best in Production Quality, and Best in Overall Quality.
According to a statement by RyeTAGA’s Executive Team, “This year every student chapter came to the TAGA conference with their publications with the Kipphan Cup in their sights. Every school had a contending journal with unique qualities that could of earned them the top prize… we ended up seeing everything from metallic-based inks, thermochromic inks, stone-based substrates, near field communication, e-publications, and more.”
Ryerson’s Graphic Communications Management program has won the Kipphan Cup twice over the past five years and remains as one of the competition’s most-awarded schools. “We may have not won the Cup this year, but the journey that we have taken to get where we are has been an amazing experience. This just means that next year we will come back fighting with new innovative ideas,” wrote the student executive team. “This year’s journal could not have been made possible without the involvement of our members. This is our journal and we should all be proud of our work.”
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