Kornit Digital reveals new Apollo platform and enhanced Atlas Max Plus
June 16, 2023 By PrintAction Staff

Kornit Digital unveils the Kornit Apollo platform as well as the Kornit Atlas Max Plus system for decorated apparel with smart curing, flexible pallet sizing, and autonomous calibration.
The Apollo platform is built on Kornit’s Max technology and is a single-step solution for nearshore short- and medium-run apparel decoration. It is designed to decorate 400 unique garments per hour.
“The fashion and textile industry has remained at a crossroads – aware of its limitations but lacking a clear solution for moving from wasteful, inefficient production models,” said Ronen Samuel, CEO at Kornit Digital. “Offering a true platform for agile, high-throughput digital production on demand, Apollo transforms what apparel producers and brands can do. It empowers them to meet the creative inspirations and ever-changing demands of a global community with capabilities to fulfil those expectations, with quality, consistency, sustainability, and the necessary profitability to scale no matter what unforeseen trends await.”
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