Muller Martini has introduced its 3692 gathering machine as the successor to the entry-level 1571 system. The new 3692 model is aimed at small- and medium-sized perfect binding jobs based on what the company describes as greater ease of use and size variability.
The 3692 can be used in the Pantera and Alegro A6 perfect binding lines. One of the system’s key highlights, according to Muller Martini, is the inclusion of a patented book verification system, which is designed to automatically prevent production with incorrectly set-up signatures. AsirCode allows users to check that production is complete and the sequence of signatures is correct, including the cover. The relevant information is read off from AsirCode, meaning it is not necessary to connect to an external PC or prepress.
Muller Martini also describes its 3692 as being highly compact, based on the elements containing four stations by default – saving space. It can also be loaded and operated from both sides, allowing bindery personnel to simultaneously load one job and set-up a second.
The gathering machine’s quality assurance systems, Asac Signature Thickness Measurement System and the Asir Optical Scanning System, are also operated from the same unit. For settings specific to the feeder, the HMI panels are located directly on the gathering machine unit.
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