XMPie has announced a new feature for its uStore product which will allow printers to provide its clients with a new way to sell printed goods through social media site Facebook.
“With uStore Facebook Connect, we give our customers the means to truly take their multichannel capabilities to new heights. Now they can create apps for their clients’ Facebook pages that enrich social media interactions by adding highly-personalized and relevant print to the media mix,” said Jacob Aizikowitz, President of XMPie. “This allows brands to add value to their social media presence while extending their online relationships with fans into the tangible and engaging physical world, creating an overall richer and more valuable brand experience.”
Fans of a company can click on an application within the company’s Facebook page which will then take the users to available document templates. It will then be populated with personalized information once permission has been received. The system will then generate a PDF proof of the document and take the user along to the ordering process. Finally, once the order has been placed, the user can then notify his or her acquaintances via a shared news item.
XMPie uStore Facebook Connect is an add-on available to customers with uStore 6.0 and PersonalEffect Print MI or higher.
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