Quebec City-based Dynagram made two central announcements at Graph Expo in Chicago. The company has introduced a new eBook software package, aimed at book printers to produce a value-add to their customers, as well as a update to its inpO2 imposition software.
The eBook software is designed around a token system, which, when affixed to printed copies, allows purchasers to download an electronic version.
“Printers cannot afford to wait until print/ebook packages become standard,” said François Guérard, CEO of Dynagram. “Despite the Amazons and Apples of this world, we believe printers still have value within our industry. Readers will still want print. And they will want ebooks. Both ‘p’ and ‘e’ books can thrive together. Dynagram is committed to helping printers thrive through these exciting new times.”
The company’s inpO2 imposition software also enters version 5, which sees improvements to its Document Manager to now allow prepress staff to quickly insert or replace document pages and move documents or pages inside the run list, with drag and drop of single tree nodes. A quick access to the run list is now possible from the contextual menu of the selected page, allowing users to visually set or adjust documents from the light table.
Page thumbnails and inpO2 Profiles: PDF page thumbnails can now be displayed, instead of high-resolution PDFs, for greater ease of use.
Marks flexibility: Text marks and side guides can be placed on one or both sheet sides, and may or may not follow the work style (turning axis of the sheet) for double-side positioning.
Export and Import of inpO2 Presets: New functions were added for the exchange of inpO2 presets between workstations. The Import or Export can be done for one type of Presets (Sheet, Imported mark…) or globally for all user Presets. Imported Presets can either replace existing ones or can be merged. Should a different Preset with the same name exist, the conflict will be detected and a suffix will be appended to the file name.
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