Keypoint Intelligence’s folding carton industry report is up for grabs
March 15, 2024 By PrintAction Staff
Keypoint Intelligence recently published a state of the industry report for the folding carton industry. Part of a five-report series, Keypoint Intelligence’s State of the Industry reports explore digital adoption within the labels and packaging sector.
“Digital adoption in the folding carton sector to date has been initiated primarily with early adopters, those who are considered visionaries and digital enthusiasts. This has been good for the industry in that it has allowed technologies, business models, and workflows to be evaluated and tested, strengths to be leveraged and weaknesses to be remedied,” said Kevin Karstedt, VP of Keypoint Intelligence’s Packaging service. The next group of converters looking for adoption is the early majority who are more pragmatic in their thinking and will invest in areas that will have the largest impact on their business. “There are marked differences in how each of these converter groups need to be marketed, sold to, and supported, what works for one group will not work for the other,” added Karstedt. These differences are highlighted in the report and are coming at just the right time as the market is poised to enter a new phase of implementation with meaningful changes in technology and productivity. The next few years are going to be very interesting,”
“In 2024, a few new solutions are coming into the market that will take production levels much closer to analog presses in a B1 format,” said Jeff Wettersten, VP of Keypoint Intelligence’s Packaging service. “If the digital market targeted proves to be successful, it will propel the industry into the second phase of digital adoption, focusing on addressing the entirety of production costs.”
The State of the Industry: Folding Carton Report can be accessed here.
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