The Flint Group unveils the Kryoset ink series that enables production of heatset products within the conventional process and without the need for the drying.
Tony Lord, president of Flint Group Commercial Publication Web and Flint Offset Packaging Solutions divisions, said, “We have been developing this product for some time. It was initially directed toward the retail market as a response to the desire to reduce the carbon footprint within the heatset print process. However, with the devastating impact of global gas pricing, which shows no sign of abating, we accelerated the development program, and are now able to provide Kryoset. Production results have confirmed on various popular substrates that Kryoset is able to provide high quality print with significantly reduced or a totally eliminated drying process, thereby enhancing print economics during this volatile inflationary period. The key to this development is the relationship between the ink, fount and substrate. Recognizing the prevailing shortages with paper supply to the industry, we have consciously developed Kryoset with a wide utilization bandwidth to ensure optimal performance with substrates that are commercially available today.”
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